Common Questions
why should I choose Garcinox?
We offer customers a combination of product design, engineering, rapid prototyping and manufacturing services using advanced technology, including 3D laser welding.
Is there a story behind the name "Garcinox"?
GARCINOX is a blend of the family name “Garcia” and “inox”, which is stainless steel, generally thought of as the most challenging metal. We provide the highest quality work and proudly stand behind our family name.
What is your contact information?
Please see our Contact Us page.
How can I get directions to garcinox?
The Contact Us page has a Google Map with GARCINOX as the destination. Simply click on “Directions” in the upper left of the map.
What ABOUT Warranty?
GARCINOX typically offers a 3-year warranty on most products. We’re happy to discuss other durations.
What are the advantages of Laser welding?
- Laser welding is fast and efficient.
- Laser welding minimizes the need for post-welding grinding or finishing.
- Laser welding is cost-effective.
- Laser welding uses focused, high-intensity heat transfer application.
- Laser welding creates strong joints comparable to those produced by manual welding.